Friday, February 25, 2011

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MY OPINION ON THE DIET DUKAN and 4 th week of "Together We Can"

Hi tod @ s!

Sorry I took so long to answer, but I've been all week course of pharmacy , (at noon) and as not rest, when I got home I just wanted to have dinner and go to sleep ...

So as I have many things to tell (especially the most interesting is the end that's my take on the Diet Dukan) this post will be a little larga.Lo feel, je, je

First :
I very angry with a thing happened to me.
A month ago I bought online tickets for the play "The Mousetrap" in which Mary Castro out (the redhead from Sin Tetas no hay Paraiso) because me and my husband we like mucho.Era my Valentine's gift for him.
The work was in Valencia, on day 19 in the Olympia Theatre at 19:00. I cost € 25 each entry.
To my surprise when we arrived and Maria Castro did not come out!
The theater was full because we were going to see it all the Decans ella.En everyone went to the theater to tell that this was outrageous, we had paid to see her, and had not warned that not come out.
enfadadisima.Menudo Everyone was disappointed.
The work itself was fine, but I paid to see it ella.Si not going out and is not advertised on the posters ...
I notice because you are making the trip to Spain, and if someone you have tickets or are thinking about buying, call ahead to ask in case.


Here I leave the table in this semana.Ya taken a month!

KG 24/01/2011 KG KG





THESONIACARES 24/01/2011 74,900 KG 21/02/2011 74,100 KG 65,000 KG

-0.300 kg

24/01/2011 121,200 21/02/2011 124.200KG 100,000 KG

0.000 kg

RONURY 86,000 KG 21/02/2011 85 100 76 000 KG KG

-0.200 kg
Alica 24 / 01/2011 132 600 KG 21/02/2011 129 200 95 000 KG KG

-0500 kg
SILVIA 24/01/2011 70 000 KG 21/02/2011 68 100 63 000 KG KG

-0300 KG

DO NOT wannabe 01/02/2011 67.400 14/02/2011 58 000 64.300 KG KG

-3.100 kg

LUCIA 07/02/2011 73.800 21/02/2011 73,600 KG 65,000 KG

LAYONKING 21/02/2011 99.000 KB 21/02/2011 99.000 KB 85 000 KB

AURORA 21 / 02/2011 60.000 KB 21/02/2011 60.000 KB 53 000 KB

MEL 21/02/2011 75.500 KG 21/02/2011 75.500 KB 65 000 KB

This week a round of applause for tod @ s . No one has ascended to peso.Bieeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn

the one that has lost weight has been Dont Wannabe.Este is the last week I received it later, but is 3.100 kg mucho.Muy well!! The
him this week I have not yet.

Now I want to tell you something very important to me.
5 days ago today I started the Diet Dukan, the first fase.Sólo proteins.
I'll give my opinion sincere about this diet, although I suppose it to have some criticism, but it's my personal opinion.
I wanted to write this diet I had been phenomenal, which had lost much weight and a lot of good things, but I have not done very well.

do not know if anyone else could have happened like me, but after 5 long, hard days on a protein basis I'm only 0.500 kg, and that I have done everything by literally.
During these 5 days:-Three
I went to the gym.
"Every day 20 minute walk. "Every day
1.5 liters of water and even 2 liters a day. "Every day
oat bran.
"I achieved 100% free diet saltármela.

And after that .... ONLY 0.500 kg
sincerely believe that I could have lost without having to be a pure protein 5 days.
For me it was very hard.

My feelings:
"I have not lost anything for all the effort I hecho.Se that many think that 5 days is a short time, but for what you eat, the book says it lost up to 3.500 kg 5 days.
"I've been bad at first because I was not used to not eat carbohydrates or fruta.Luego get used to.
"I have felt dizzy on several occasions. This

would not change my opinion even if it had lost more weight.
But that at least I have been pleased.

I have to say also, I think I am a rare case because most people have read and I know or I have commented on this diet, have done very bien.Solo have to search the internet to realize that has been useful to many people. Martina
recommended me Zacatin Blog and I will recommend it to vosotras.Es on its passage by the Diet Dukan.A she worked great.

I only read a couple of cases on the Internet for people like me who has not lost nada.Así from here please ask that if anyone is the same thing happened to me I discuss what to say.


I recommend it because I think it is a diet that can help many gente.Su book is fantastic and advice as well.
But as I have repeatedly felt dizzy and my body is not what you eat holds only protein, I will leave, although I continue to count each step as it works, for those interested.
I will continue on a diet, but eating a little of everything, as he did before, eating fruit, salads and hydrates in perspective.
I will also follow the advice of Dr.Dukan and I will continue taking oat bran every day, walk 20 minutes to do the exercise king, drinking 1.5 liters of water a day and watching over me.

bad because I have known all my dreams had really put on this diet, but my body says NO AND IS NO.

I have read that it may be best for the thyroid, but 15 days before starting the diet I did my thyroid tests came out perfect and I so ruled.
So I do not want to feel bad or dizzy.
I eat well and exercise a lot.

I sincerely hope that you girls go much better than me.
From here I say that because I have passed that does not mean that others are going to happen, so try and if you know continuar.Sólo works by testing.

I take to answer a few questions you had:
-Izas: oat bran I take it with a yogurt desnatado.No knows nothing and is good for health.
-Melquiades: Oil Ordesa non-caloric fat one tenth that oil oliva.Lo highly recommend it, because it gives the pego.Sabe actually doing a little olive oil and the rest is paraffin that helps get the price baño.Su is 6 €.

Many thanks to new subscribers and that you have signed up for the challenge of "Together We Can."
I am thrilled to see that every day we are more people that we care and get well when summer arrives hehe
As always remind you that if you want me you just have to point your current weight and desired in comments or in my email: . Every Monday I have to send your current weight for me to actualize in the table.

Thank you all for being there, for your comments and for following me on my youtube channel: thesoniacares.
A great big kiss.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Red Dot For The Money


Hi tod @ s :

On Monday I start as I said the famous Diet Dukan.
I promised that I would try to explain how this diet.
So here goes (advance that the entry will be long because I need to explain a lot):

There are 4 phases:

. The first is the attack phase = PHASE OF PURE PROTEINS
At this stage the weight loss is very grande.La duration depending on the weight we need lose.
. The second is the cruise phase = + VEGETABLE PROTEINS.
The length is up to the desired weight.
. The third phase is the consolidation phase.
At this stage, gradually add the Carbohydrates.
must remain in this stage 10 days lost Akil cad.
. The last phase is the stabilization phase.
In this last stage, he'll eat normal for 6 days and one day will only de proteínas puras. 


¿Cuántos días tengo que estar en la FASE DE ATAQUE?

- Para una pérdida de menos de 5 kg--> 1 sólo día.
-Para una pérdida de menos de 10 kg-->; 3 días.
-Para una pérdida entre 10 y 20 kg -->; 5 días.   AQUI ESTOY YO.
-Para una pérdida de más de 20 kg -->; entre 7 y 10 días bajo supervisión médica.

Cosas importantes en la primera fase:

- is normal to feel a bit tired or dizzy during the first days, but then it happens. "That's BOUND
, drink 1.5 liters of water a day because the body digests proteins, they release urea as a lot of waste is essential to eliminate cuerpo.Para drink enough.
"You have to walk 20 minutes a day. "Every day
take two tablespoons of oat bran.


is the flagship product of this diet.
I recommend that you buy in health food stores, as are most other sites I've seen naturales.En trying to sell oats or wheat bran instead of oatmeal, or a very crushed oat bran.
bien.A The price is very cost me € 1.20.

Improves intestinal transit
"It satiety: It swells on contact with water and takes 20 to 30 times its volume in the stomach. "It's slimming
: calories absorbed in the small intestine and drag with the feces.
Reduces the cholesterol level.
-Protects against diabetes
-Protects Colon Cancer

How is it taken?

1 to 2 tablespoons more RECIPE


-Ingredients: 1 tablespoon wheat bran, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 whole egg or just egg, 1 tablespoon cheese type towns.
Mix all ingredients and put the mixture in a nonstick skillet, without nothing grasa.Si sticks, you can switch using a paper towel and a drop of oil from the base.


At first I habíacopiado the full table of food allowed, but then I thought that I could report him for plagiarism, so the borré.Pero is simple:
-Meat: basically all but pork and lamb.
-Fish: all but the tuna and sardine oil.
-Charcuteria: you can only eating beef jerky, ham and the ham ham pavo.Por serrano.Que course nothing worth ...
-Seafood, everyone who queramos.No None prohibited.
-Poultry: you can eat chicken, turkey, ostrich and quail.
-Dairy: cheese no dairy fat or whole milk.
-Eggs: chicken and quail.
-Alimños: None of olive oil: banned because although it is very healthy, has many calorías.Lo replace them with non-caloric Ordesa Oil, sold in farmacias.Lo recommends the book, not me because he works in a pharmacy, je, je

I highly recommend that you buy some for the book because the truth is that everything is very detailed and put things claro.Además and helpful advice.

Of course as we are in phase pure protein, do not eat any salads or carbohydrates or rfuta course.
is a difficult phase because most people are used to eating carbohydrates, either in bread, fruit, pasta ...
But everyone who has said that he had lost an average of 3 kilos in 5 days.
If so I spend the 5 days without insurance hydrates!
now need to know if aguantaré.Tengo to be calm and not think about 5 days so long that I expect ...

This has been above the bases of the first fase.Si you have any questions just lend to me in comments or send it to me at my e-mail: . Nothing else can promise to answer them .

take this entry to ask people which is in operation "TOGETHER WE CAN" to lose weight, send me your weight semanal.Así hang it tomorrow.
remember that if someone wants to join just have to send me your current weight and desired weight (every Monday) to my email (see above) or pso comentarios.Animaros.Perder in the company is more agreeable.

I can only send you
very strong and very encouraging for this upcoming week.
But most of all I send you a great big kiss to everyone s for being there and lose a little of your time in reading and commenting. Muakkkkkks. Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Penstemon Linarioides Var. Coloradoensis Seeds


heart How are you? How was your Valentine?
seems unbelievable but yes, we are in the third week. Hence nothing
see us tod @ s hot body wearing summer, heh, heh

I want to tell one thing that I find interesting.
few days ago I read in the magazine Mia on the cover, something about a diet, and when I read the article spoke of the well known Dukan diet.
I have to admit that he had heard much of it, but without knowing that was exactly right.
had also heard that it was only based on proteins, and therefore had not given importance.
You know what I oppose the diets only proteins -> BAD, BAD, BAD
But as I read I realized that it is not.
There are four phases and is only the first of which is exclusively based on proteins.
In my case, this first phase lasts only 5 días.Depende you want to lose weight.
See, I explain in the following entries.

Without hesitation, because I like to be well informed, I went to Casa del Libro and bought the famous book:

"The method illustrated Dukan: How to lose weight fast and forever" by Dr. Pierre Dukan.PVP: 22 €

I found it so interesting that I I read the book in two days!

EXPICA you detail what you have to eat at every stage, menus, a table of permitted and prohibited foods at each stage, recommendations ...
The truth is that the book is very bien.Te explains things clearly and mentiras.Te son.Eso tells it like I like.
At the end of the book puts a series of recipes.
whole book is illustrated with many photos that make it more entertaining.
not like his first book, which was all lyrics ... Undoubtedly
RECOMIENDO.En library was the second best selling!

As much to explain, no I can tell you everything in one inning, but during these days until the end of telling you all to see if you urge to do it.
Before Monday I will have you covered everything. I start the Lunes.Tengo
only advance you that you have to buy 'Oat Bran. "Barato.Yo is for super adelgazar.Es I bought a herbalist by 1.20 €.

But now for the table Operation "TOGETHER WE CAN."

65,000 KG KG KG KG +0.200





THESONIACARES 24/01/2011 74,900 KG 74,400 KG 07/02/2011
-0.200 kg

24/01/2011 121,200 07/02/2011 124.200KG 100,000 KG

+1700 kg

RONURY 24/01/2011 86,000 KG 07/02/2011 85,300 KG 76,000 KG

-0.300 kg
ALICE 24/01/2011 132,600 07/02/2011 129,700 KG 95,000 KG

-0400 kg
SILVIA 24/01/2011 70 000 KG 07/02/2011 68,600 KG 63,000 KG

-0100 KG

DO NOT wannabe 01/02/2011 67.400 01/02/2011 ? KG 58,000 KG

LUCIA 07/02/2011 73.800 KG 01/02/2011 74 000 65 000 KG KG


I need to know the weights of Aur and Mel were going to join in principle, but have not received information about you. Do not Wannabe
also that I did not have mandado.Animaros girls.

Well as you have seen, this week has been a bit lazy to todos.Para me too.
has been a week that I had no time even to go to the gym.
all means I have to return to exercise, because it is normal to lose only 0,200 grams.

Well this week there is also a winner and that was Alica.Muy well! Keep it up.

And on the other hand we have to Melquiades, who has gained this week after it lost last week because it was bad all semana.Espero do not get discouraged and you get better.

I hope the following entries, ranging aser very often because there is much to tell.
any questions you have do not hesitate to lend to me in comments or in my email:

Many kisses to tod @ s .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Zeiss Camera Lenses Great All-purpose Zoom Lens


Hi tod @ s :

Here we are after two semanas.Como time flies ...
This week has been a bit strange.
I have the perfect diet, I care a lot.
The breakfasts have been the usual, glass of milk with tail light cocoa and cookies with fiber. Lunch
a turkey breast sandwich.
Snack: chocolate bar and a dietary juice.
dinner salads and fish.
The only thing I've done has been completely gone ejercicio.He only twice during the week due to work schedule (every now and then I change it).
not just convinced me that put the scale, but ...
try to think it's because I'm pre-order and so I have not lost tanto.Sólo 0,100 kg ...
least my conscience is clear that I have eaten bien.Eso is important.

We joined other more courageous: Do Wannabe.Biennnnn !!!!! Now update the table with the data from it.
The more the merrier.
I remind you that you only have to send your nick or name, your starting weight and your ideal weight. Encourage them

Here I leave the table again:






THESONIACARES 24 / 74,900 KG 01/2011 07/02/2011 74,600 KG 65,000 KG
-0.100 kg

24/01/2011 121,200 KG 07/02/2011 122.500KG
100,000 KG
-1500 kg

RONURY 24/01/2011 86,000 07/02/2011 85,600 KG 76,000 KG

+0.100 kg
Alica 24/01/2011 132,600 07/02/2011 95 000 130 900 KG KG

-0400 kg
SILVIA 24 / 01/2011 70,000 KG 07/02/2011 68 700 63 000 KG KG
-0,200 Kg

Do WANNABE 01/02/2011 67.400 01/02/2011 67.400 KG 58,000 KG

This week change positions.
The most Melquiades has been lost, although he began weighing 121,200, next week gained weight and weighed 124.000. This week has lost 1,500 kg.Un applause for him

has lost the least this week has been Ronury, which has added 0,100 kg.Pero not be discouraged tit gramitos are only one hundred, and from here we'll send you all a lot of spirit, and for us also that we need, heh, heh

I have pending upload some pictures of a makeup course I did . Let's see if my partner is encouraged and I passed the pictures ...
yet I am also buying a video camera, better than I have now, to upload videos with more calidad.Que win ... Also I have a
compritas of Makeup, a TAG ... I accumulates faena.A see if you upload it soon.

A huge besazo tod @ s . Thank you for continuing

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adultbabysource Felicity


Hello everyone.

As I told you recently, every Monday I will put comparative table of the participants of "Operation Together We Can", with their weights and their evolution.
It has made me a little late, but better late than never.
The truth is that I am very excited.
We are few but I hope that gradually more people will be pointing.
Because nobody wanted to put the photos (which I understand), does falta.Con to send me to my mail: your nick or name, your starting weight and goal weight, is now .
It's that easy. Come
encourage you!
The more the merrier. We

the comparison chart.






THESONIACARES 24/01/2011 74,900 31/01/2011 KG 74,700 KG 65,000 KG
0.200 kg

24/01/2011 121,200 31/01/2011 ? 100,000 KG KG


RONURY 24/01/2011 86,000 KG 31/01/2011 85,500 KG 76,000 KG

0.500 kg
ALICE 24/01/2011 132,600 KG 31/01/2011 131,300 KG 95,000 KG

1.300 kg
SILVIA 24/01/2011 70,000 31/01/2011 68,900 KG 63,000 KG
1.100 kg

Well as you see I lack the weight of Melquiades, who still has not replied, but just tell me what actualizo.Y in relation to weight loss, which more has been lost Alica: 1.300 kg,
BIENNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the least ... YO, only 0.200 kg, the truth is that I started very well, but mid week, it was a bit torciedo.
But this week the moment I am taking it very very well, heh, heh

see who wins next week ... And do not forget
FREE list.
A big big kiss for everyone, and of course thanks again to the new seguidores.Muaks