Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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In the West, the practice of terrorism carried out by bin Laden, but with the Yankee + piripipí support its rationale, the military industrial complex + imperialized what we are culturally, which leads us to take with lightness of the evil U.S. policy makes us, you become a creditor of obama and Nobel Peace Prize.

Capusotto seems like a joke. obama Nobel Peace Prize, saying it justice slaughter a guy who was an employee of the CIA, which has become an international terrorist who must have killed some 20,000 people. Obama in Iraq killed 300,000, but of course, are Iraqis.

smell verse staging, patriotism bully, the U.S. high-sounding phrases that you do because it is the capito and other herbs, it should make us reflect on the nation that leads the world with this asshole and his predecessor who won by fraud.

when he said he respected the Muslim tradition of throwing his body into the sea, near the river but I was so cynical, since I no longer look at his own navel big capitalist and stop at the other, but the stop is to pack . as the article that hit down, throw the body into the sea rather than Islamic culture is to emulate the dictatorship in Argentina.

separate chapter, the Yankees who came to celebrate the death. incredible. and even more beyond its cultural and technological paraphernalia extremely attractive, there are people who take the U.S. as a role model. Should this measure compared to the comments would have us believe that we are the worst in the world, and that X unpresentable thing "only happens here." Lords and ladies and gentlemen, to serve as a learning for those who are selling the U.S. model line, and that there are no ...

A Nobel unscrupulous

By Atilio A. Boron

A sign of the many that illustrate the profound moral crisis of "Western Christian civilization" that claims to represent the United States is provided by the news of the assassination of Osama bin Laden. Beyond the rejection that caused us the character and methods of struggle, the nature of the operation that ended with his death is an unspeakable act of barbarity perpetrated under orders direct a character to their everyday behavior dishonors the Nobel Peace Prize. The gruesome

staged operation on the outskirts of Islamabad there are multiple questions, the tendency of United States government to misinform the public becomes even more suspect this operation. A White House victim of a sick compulsion to lie to us to take with tweezers each of their claims. Was Bin Laden or not? Why do not you think that the victim could have been someone else? Where are the photos, evidence that the deceased was searched? If DNA was performed, how it was obtained, where are the results and who were the witnesses? Why not submitted it to public consideration, as it did, without going any further, with the remains of Comandante Ernesto "Che" Guevara? If, as he says, Osama was hiding in a mansion converted into a fortress, how is it possible that in a battle that lasted for forty minutes, the U.S. command's members returned to their base without getting even a scratch? So little marksmanship were the defenders of world's most wanted fugitive, who is said to possess an arsenal of deadly weapons of last generation? Who was with him? According to White House command killed Bin Laden, his son, two other men in his custody and a woman, they say, was finalized to be used as a human shield by one of the terrorists. It was also said that two people had been injured in combat. Where are they, what to do with them? Will they be brought to trial, they will return to shed light on what happened, speaking at a press conference to tell what happened?

leave not to draw attention to the timeliness has been the death of Bin Laden. When the fire in the dry prairie of the Arab world destabilize an area of \u200b\u200bcrucial importance for the strategy of domination Imperial of the assassination of bin Laden's Al Qaida reinstall the center stage. If anything at this point is an incontrovertible truth is that these riots are not responding to any religious motivation. Their causes, their subjects and forms of struggle are essentially secular and none-from Tunisia to Egypt, through Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria and Jordan, the role fell to the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaida. The problem is capitalism and the devastating effects of neoliberal policies and despotic regimes that settled in those countries and not the heresies of the "infidel" West. Islamic fundamentalism, absent como protagonista de las grandes movilizaciones del mundo árabe, aparece ahora en la primera plana de todos los diarios del mundo y su líder como un mártir del Islam asesinado a sangre fría por la soldadesca del líder de Occidente.

Hay un detalle para nada anecdótico que torna aún más inmoral la bravata norteamericana: pocas horas después de ser abatido, el cadáver del presunto Bin Laden fue arrojado al mar. La mentirosa declaración de la Casa Blanca dice que sus restos recibieron sepultura respetando las tradiciones y los ritos islámicos, pero no es así. Los ritos fúnebres del Islam establecen que se debe lavar el cadáver, vestirlo con una mortaja, proceder a una ceremonia religiosa que includes funeral prayers and then just proceed to the burial of the deceased. You can specify that the body should be deposited directly into the ground, leaning on his right side and the side facing Mecca. In fact, what was done was killed and "disappeared" person, allegedly Bin Laden, following a sinister practice used primarily by the genocidal dictatorship that gripped Argentina from 1976 to 1983.

immoral act that not only offends Muslim beliefs but an ancient cultural tradition of the West, even before Christianity. As witnessed masterfully Sophocles in Antigone, deprive a deceased turned his grave the most bitter passions. Those who today must be burning to the cells of Islamic fundamentalism, eager to teach a lesson to the infidels insulted the body and memory of their leader. Barack Obama just said that after the death of Osama Bin Laden the world is a safer place to live. He is wrong from medium to medium.


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